Social Quests: "Many times I need to get in touch with an important person to run an idea by them, but the amount of effort and waiting involved in getting a response from certain people is an unacceptable use of my time. I am willing to reward those who are willing to complete these missions for me while I work on our company website." ~ King Tyler VVS REWARD: $200 go-share ~ Get in touch with the verge development team and find out why the verge electrum app on mac is not creating standard wallets!
REWARD: $200 go-share ~ Get in touch with http://tatianamoroz.com/tatiana-coin-campaign and get her to join freedom network.
REWARD: $200 go-share ~ Figure out the best way to recruit members from these dogecoin communities:
DOGE Reddit - The Main Hotspot of the Dogecoin Community.
#dogecoin IRC - Dogecoin-based Internet Chat.
REWARD: $2000 in go-sharse ~ Get in touch with any of these bitcoin millionaires and get them in freedom network.
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